February 13, 2025

Welcome to my cybersecurity blog! I’m going to start somewhere and this is it

Cybersecurity, blog

It’s been a while coming, but I decided to take the leap and start a blog about my journey into cybersecurity. The ups and downs, and ins and outs and everything else in between!!

Where to begin, I guess is always the question, but maybe it should be, Where do I end??

Working as a full-time Cybersecurity professional is the ultimate goal!!!

So let’s back up briefly as I have done a lot of different things in my life some on my resume, some not. Time for bullet points!!

  • youth care worker
  • Ranch Director/Pretend Sheriff
  • Interior painter
  • Retail worker
  • Massage Therapist
  • Musician
  • Lumber Yard associate

I’m sure by now you get the points!!! A lot of it has included physical labor and less than stellar pay. (not complaining, as I had a lot of adventures along the way and I have a great family) I am not one to turn down challenges, so cybersecurity has been my next one.

I have always dabbled in tech but no formal training, but I will make this long story short. A good friend mentioned cybersecurity about 3 years ago , I did some research and have been hooked ever since. I studied a lot, and passed the CompTia Security+ exam and earned many other certificates along the way. I have done lots of labs and also some threat risk assessments for local companies and the quest continues.

So now I hope you will join me as I continue my journey , networking and searching for my first full-time Cybersecurity job!!

Cheers! https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-foote-85bba5180/?originalSubdomain=ca

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